lundi 3 août 2015

HEALTHCARE & SOCIAL MEDIA - How Content Curation Can Save Millions to Organizations

That’s the exhilaration that comes with curation. Imagine the web as millions of pages. To make your magazine, you tear out any of those pages you fancy, explain why they matter, and push the button. Bingo! You’ve shared a link to the content and your take on it.

Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek's insight:

@Jay Cross gives a detailed and clear use case of how collaborative content curation can save millions to large organizations as it saves employee time while involving them in the process.

He also explains his content curation routine that he sees as a mandatory skill to be trained by modern employers.

He makes a great job at connecting two sides of content curation:

- the fact it's saving people's time to look for meaning in information overload themselves,

- the fact it's rewarding for content curators as it helps them build their professional brands. 

A win-win no-brainer for smart organizations. 

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